Saturday, July 17, 2010

Meet Morgan Faere

Meet Morgan Faere, she is a wonderful diamond-in-the-rough I found. She is an inspiring young fiction writer with big dreams for the future. Lucky enough, she agreed to do an interview with me. So go read the results below and get to know more about this brilliant author I found!

Heather: How long have you been writing?

Morgan: My whole life.
Heather: What started you writing for publication?

Morgan: Dreams.

Heather: Do you have a set time when you write, or just whenever you get the urge?

Morgan: Usually it's the urge. My muse is tempermental though. So sometimes I make sure I make myself write. After a little bit the muse comes back to me purring.

Heather: Who is your favorite author?

Morgan: Oh....that's hard to say. I don't know. Really. I love Tamora Pierce, Scott Westerfield, Robin Cook, James Rollins, Dick Francis, and many others. Those are my top 5 I'd say.

Heather: Have you ever had writer's block, and if so how do you get rid of it?

Morgan: Yes. I write. Or listen to music, like always

Heather: What do you recommend to aspiring authors?

Morgan: Follow your passion. If you're passionate about writing, go for it. But don't try to write like someone else. Use your own voice.

Heather: How do you invent your characters?

Morgan: I don't invent them. They're already there. They tell me their stories and I write those stories.

Heather: I know a few authors who keep records (almost like police records) of height, weight, background, etc. of their characters, do you keep tabs on your characters, and if so, what do you usually make note of?

Morgan: I do. I have a list of questions from a good writing site which I use sometimes. My records are in my head or on scrap paper half the time though.

Heather: Some authors say that they feel as though his or her characters are real, do you feel this way, and what do you think about this?

Morgan: Mhm. I do feel this way. I think it's good that their stories are being recorded.

Heather: Do you have anything in the works?

Morgan: I have quite a few things in the works. I have two or three books and I'm thinking of doing a collection of poems I've written. Nothing planned with publishers or anything but...yeahh.

Heather: What would you say is the neatest thing you know?

Morgan: That's neat thing I know is I can vibrate my eyes. Lol. I can also relax people to the point that they are basically drugged. Not really, but it has the same effects as a sedative.

Heather: What was your favorite part about writing your book?

Morgan: Writing is a joy in itself. Finding just the right words....

Heather: Has music ever inspired your writing?

Morgan: Mhm

Heather: Do you like to write in complete silence or does it have to be noisy?

Morgan: Noise. I am not good for working in silence. I always have some music playing or I'm in a noisy room. Or I'm listening to nature.

Heather: What makes you put your characters in the settings that you do?

Morgan: Like I said, they're already there.

Heather: Keyboard or pen?

Morgan: Keyboard is faster, but I like my pencil.

Heather: What do you think is the hardest part about being an author?

Morgan: Trying to get published will probably be the hardest. I always have a hard time showing my work to people. I'm genuinly afraid they'll think it's horrid. Every time.

Heather: What do you usually do while writing?

Morgan: Write? Lol.

Heather: What were the circumstances surrounding your decisions to become an author?

Morgan: There was no "decision". It's always been there.

Heather: Some people say that you need to live life before you write a book, do you think that it’s experience that writes a book or imagination?

Morgan: A little of both. I put experiences in writing a lot. But I need imagination to see my characters and places.

Bonus Questions -

I like the colors of: darkness

The sky is most beautiful when it’s: sunset

My favorite feature of a computer is: dunno

I think inventors should invent a/an: thermasuit

Thing I love most in the world is: Boyfriend

Thing I hate most in the world is: Step-mother

My favorite type of electronic device is: MP3

My favorite thing that has been available before the year 1900: Castles

My favorite thing that has been available since the year 1960: Cell

The oddest thing you have ever written on (hand, wall, etc.) is: Mirrors

To read some of Morgan's work and to find out more about her, head over to her blog -


Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

I'm pleased to meet you, Morgan. Thank you both for a nice interview. My granddaughter has been writing nearly all her life. She says she wants to be like her grandmother. (-:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Blogging writers' resources at Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites pick

elysabeth said...

Good interview - I think the question "What do you do while writing?" should have been "What do you do when not writing?"

I'd like to know more about your interviewees what type of writing they do and a little more personal stuff about them - like where they are from and what they do for day jobs, if they are married, have kids, et cetera - so a little bio at the end would be helpful to get to know a person a little better, even if they aren't published yet. Also, some variety of questoins - not all pertaining to writing or whatever the chosen creative medium is would be nice too.

You are doing well with you interviews, building your blog slowly. I still can't follow your blog but at least I do get the email notifications so I know when a new post is up, wihch is more important to me than actually just following a blog. Keep up the good work - see you in the postings - Mrs. E :)

Elysabeth Eldering
Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series

Where will the adventure take you next?

Darcia helle said...

Fun interview! Morgan, I don't invent my characters, either. It's always good to know that others also have characters living in their heads. And those characters are quite demanding about having their stories told! I wish you tons of success in your writing career.

Karen Cioffi said...

Wonderful interview, Heather. It's nice to meet and learn a bit about Morgan. I wish her much success in her writing endeavors.

Anonymous said...

You sound like an interesting lady. I think everyone's characters are "real."
J. Aday Kennedy
The Differently-Abled Writer
Children's Book Author & Inspirational Spokesperson
Klutzy Kantor & Marta Gargantuan Wings

Dallas said...

Keep up the great work, Morgan! I also checked out your blog and loved it. Never stop writing!
