Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

Earlier this morning I was so pleased to find out that I was sent the "One Lovely Blog Award" by none other than the wonderful Karen Coiffi-Ventrice at .
It was such an honor! Being a new, young, author, and having a new blog, why would I be chosen. But, I was, basically for those reasons, and it was just wonderful. It really made my day!
So, I suppose it's my turn to pass on the award. For those individuals I choose, just follow the instructions below.
The rules are simple:
1) Accept the award, and don’t forget to post a link back to the awarding person.
2) Pass the award on.
3) Notify the award winners.
Right away, I knew of one very inspirational person that I would send it on to: Vivian Zabel. Then I thought of someone whom makes quite a difference everywhere, Helena Harper. Then, Toni Andrews came to mind almost as suddenly as Carolyn Howard-Johnson came to mind, and here I'll tell you why I chose these people -
Vivian Zabel - Vivian is the most talented person that I know, as well as her awesome publishing and writing abilities she has had a fantastic life! And there are so many different occasions that I can think of where she has helped me get to where I am today. She is like a wikipedia of writing knowledge, one time I spent days looking for an answer, finally I asked Vivian and she had the exact answer that I was looking for. She's absolutely an amazing person, I could go on for hours...
Helena Harper - Helena is such a good friend, and a great person all around. She most certainly has what it takes to be the next #1 bestseller. She's a different kind of author and has a heart of gold.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson - Carolyn does so much going out and beyond what she has to. With so much on her plate, newsletters, books, writing, promoting, she always makes time to help anyone and everyone that crosses her path.
Toni Andrews - Toni is an inspiration to all authors out there, her book series is phenominal, she has talent, she has brains, she has it all, and even still she shows everyone that authors are "ordinary" people. She's friendly, strong, and has a really cool cat... LOL! Seriously though, Toni is an inspiration to all. Step aside, Toni will show you how it's done!


Vivian Zabel said...

Thank you so much. I'll add this to my blog about the award. I'm very honored, and what you had to say touched me very much.


H.C.Paye said...

You're so very welcome, Viv!


Helena Harper said...

Heather, I'm touched you should think of me to pass this award on to and I was moved by what you said. As Karen said in her blog post, you are also an inspiration - to young and old alike. Here's to being inspired!


Helena Harper said...

Heather, I just wanted to say that I've now linked back to this post from my own blog where I've passed on the award to others.